This is a Generic Solution......
For instance if we get receivable invoices from multiple billing systems which includes invoices, credit memo's & debit memo's....Auto Invoice program will create invoices in AR. But sometimes thousand's of credit memo's are not applied against their invoices then we have two options to automate this business scenario.
we can't apply these many credit memo's against invoices manually....
( If the users had to perform this activity manually, they would query the Credit Memo in the Transactions form. Navigate to Menu > Actions > Applications and it would open up the Applications form. The users would then select the Invoice number in the ‘Apply-To’ field and save the application. This would apply the Credit Memo to the Invoice).
1. Create a Zero amount Receipt using AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.CREATE_CASH API
2. Apply the Receipt to the Credit Memo using AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.APPLY API
3. Apply the Receipt to the Invoice using AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.APPLY API
We considered the following validations in our program. These validations were specific to our Business requirements
1. The Credit Memo and the Invoice are both in the same currency.
2. There is no overaplication allowed
3. When the receipt is applied to the Invoice and the Credit Memo, the amount applied is the least of the Invoice balance amount or the Credit Memo balance amount.
Query to check if Invoice currency and CM currency is same or not
INTO l_flag
FROM ar_payment_schedules a , ar_payment_schedules b
WHERE a.customer_trx_id = l_inv_trx_id
AND b.customer_trx_id = l_cm_trx_id
AND a.invoice_currency_code = b.invoice_currency_code ;
l_inv_trx_id is the customer_trx_id of the invoice
l_cm_trx_id is the customer_trx_id of the credit memo
If the value of l_flag is NULL, then the invoice currency and the cm currency is not same.
Query to retrieve the balance amount of the transaction
SELECT acctd_amount_due_remaining
INTO l_inv_bal_amt
FROM ar_payment_schedules
Where customer_trx_id = l_inv_trx_id ;
SELECT acctd_amount_due_remaining
INTO l_cm_bal_amt
FROM ar_payment_schedules
Where customer_trx_id = l_cm_trx_id ;
-- Amount applied should be the least of inv balance and cm balance
SELECT LEAST(l_inv_bal_amt, abs(l_cm_bal_amt))
INTO l_amount_applied
Query to retrieve the customer_id of the transaction
SELECT customer_id
INTO l_customer_id
FROM ar_payment_schedules
WHERE customer_trx_id = l_inv_trx_id ;
At this point of time, we know the customer_trx_id , customer_id of the Invoice and the Credit Memo and we also know the amount to be applied. The next important thing is the receipt_method_id that uses for creating the receipt.
The validations for the receipt_method_id is as follows
1. It must be a valid receipt method ID in the AR_RECEIPT_METHOD table.
2. Receipt date must lie between the receipt method start date and end date (if not null).
3. The creation method code for the receipt class of this particular receipt_method_id should be ‘AUTOMATIC’, the remit flag =’Y,’ and the confirm flag = ’N’ or ‘MANUAL’
4. At least one remittance bank account associated with this receipt method ID must have either the multi-currency flag set to ’Y’ or the same currency as the receipt currency. In addition, this should have a bank account type = ’INTERNAL’ and its inactive date (if specified) greater than the receipt_date.
STEP 1 > Create a ZERO amount Receipt
To create a ZERO amount receipt, use the AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.CREATE_CASH API
p_api_version => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
p_commit => FND_API.G_TRUE,
p_receipt_number => 'TEST98',
p_amount => 0,
p_receipt_method_id => l_receipt_method_id,
p_customer_id => l_customer_id ,
p_cr_id => l_cr_id,
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data);
In the above code,
Parameter | Description |
p_api_version | Always pass 1.0 for this parameter |
p_init_msg_list | If set to FND_API.G_TRUE, the API does initialization of the message list. |
p_commit | Used to specify if the API should commit. |
p_receipt_number | The receipt number of the ZERO amount receipt |
p_amount | The amount of the receipt. In our case, it is 0 |
p_receipt_method_id | Identifies the payment method of the receipt. |
p_customer_id | The customer_id of the Customer. |
p_cr_id | This is an OUT parameter. It is the cash_receipt_id of the receipt created by the API |
x_return_status | OUT parameter. Return Status of the API Call |
x_msg_count | OUT parameter. Number of messages in the API message list |
x_msg_data | OUT parameter. Message in encoded format if x_msg_count = 1 |
STEP 2 > Apply the Receipt to the Credit Memo
To apply the Receipt to the Credit Memo, use the AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.APPLY API
p_api_version => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
p_commit => FND_API.G_TRUE,
p_receipt_number => 'TEST98',
p_customer_trx_id => l_cm_trx_id ,
p_amount_applied => -1 * (l_amount_applied) ,
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data
In the above code,
Parameter | Description |
p_customer_trx_id | Customer_trx_id of the Credit Memo |
p_amount_applied | The amount to which the receipt is to be applied. In our case we are applying the receipt to the Credit Memo and hence the amount_applied must be negative. We have calculated the l_amount_applied in one of the queries above |
STEP 3 > Apply the Receipt to the Invoice
To apply the Receipt to the Invoice, again use the AR_RECEIPT_API_PUB.APPLY API
p_api_version => 1.0,
p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
p_commit => FND_API.G_TRUE,
p_receipt_number => 'TEST98',
p_customer_trx_id => l_inv_trx_id ,
p_amount_applied => l_amount_applied ,
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data
In the above code,
Parameter | Description |
p_customer_trx_id | Customer_trx_id of the Invoice |
p_amount_applied | The amount to which the receipt is to be applied. In our case we are applying the receipt to the Invoice and hence the amount_applied must be positive. We have calculated the l_amount_applied in one of the queries above |
1 comment:
Excellent post, thanks for complete details.
I didn't get why we need to create a receipt with zero amount, if we can apply Credit memo directly to Invoice.
Please let me know, I have similar requirement.Also let me know if you have sample code to use the API.
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