Accounts Payable (AP)
1) What are the different types of Interfaces?
Ans Refer Laxman Vendor import notes in scanned documents
a) Vendor conversion / Import
A vendor is any company or person that we buy goods or services from.
Interface table --- we need to create our own custom interface table.
Base tables
PO_VENDORS (Segment1-Vendor number is unique)
b) Legacy Invoice
Interface Tables
AP_INVOICE _INTERFACE is the header info
Base Tables
AP_INVOICE_ALL is also the header information is stored.
AP_INVOICES_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL is the lines information table.
AP_PAYMENTS_SCHEDULES_ALL (AMOUNT_REMAINING stores balance amount to be paid)
AP_INTERFACE_REJECTIONS (REJECT_LOOKUP_CODE stores the error occurred during the invoice import ex: account required, invalid supplier site )
2) What is the process of Vendor Conversion?
This is always custom work. There is no predefined program to import the vendors/supplier from legacy system to oracle. We need write the SQL*Loader file to custom interface table and write pl/sql programs to hit the base tables directly into the po_vendors table,po_vendor_sites_table and po_vendors_contacts.
3) In which table and column Vendor Number stores?
In PO_VENDORS table SEGMENT1 stores the vendor number. User doesn’t know about the (vendor id) ids only the developer knows them.
4) After conversions how do you get the Next Vendor column?
We need to resync the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL (field called CURRENT_MAX_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER) with the sequence called PO_VENDORS_S. This resync was run after inserting into vendors and updating the info in the sites table. The current max unique identifier should be equal to the nextval in the po_vendors_s sequence.
5) What are the setups required for vendor conversions?
Before loading from the legacy system to base table we need to define
Supplier type, Payment type, Payment terms, Payment group.
6) Which module is the owner for vendor (supplier) tables?
Ans--- Purchasing module is the owner of the supplier table.
7) What is the process of creating an Invoices and transferring it to GL?
1. create batch
2. create invoice
3. create distribution
4. validate the invoice
5. actions -à approve
6. if individual create accounting click ok
7. If batch go to batch create accounting.
8. Create accounting hits Payable Accounting(Transfer) ??Program which will create accounting.
9. Run Transfer to GL Concurrent Program
10. Journal Import
11. Post journals
12. Hits balances.
8) How do u Transfer from AP to GL?
Ans---“Payables transfer to GL program” is used to transfer from AP to GL.
10) How many types of Transactions are there in AP?
1. Standard Invoice : The amount is g
2. Debit memo (increases balances owed to supplier)
1. Raised by organization
2. Raised by Supplier.
3. Credit memo
4. Prepayment
5. Mixed Invoices both debit & credit
6. Expense Report employees
7. Quick Match
8. P.O.Default
11) Tell me about
1. Requisition
2. Manager
3. Approval
4. Request For Quote (RFQ)
5. Quotation
6. Quote Analysis (Track/check record)
7. Issue Purchase Order (
8. Goods Receipt Note(GRN)
9. Invoice
10. Transfer To GL (Payables transfer to GL program)
11. Journal Import
12. GL Balances
12) How many types of purchase order types/agreements are there?
a) Standard Purchase Order
b) Planned PO : A planned purchase order is a long-term agreement committing to buy it
items or services from a single source. You must specify tentative delivery schedules and all details for goods or services that you want to buy, including charge account, quantities and estimated cost.
EX: Buying goods for Christmas from a specific dealer.
c) Contract
d) Blanket
A Blanket Purchase Agreement is a sort of contract between the you and
13) What is 2-way, 3-way, 4-way matching?
2-way matching: 2-way matching verifies that Purchase order and invoice quantities must match within your tolerances as follows:
Quantity billed <= Quantity Ordered
Invoice price <= Purchase order price
(<= sign is used because of tolerances)
Often used for services where no receiver is generated.
3-way matching: 3-way matching verifies that the receipt and invoice information match with the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity received
4-way matching: 4-way matching verifies that acceptance documents and invoice information match within the quantity tolerances defined:
Quantity billed <= Quantity accepted.
(Acceptance is done at the time of Inspecting goods).
Whether a
Receipt required Inspection required Matching
Yes Yes 4-way
Yes No 3-way
No No 2-way
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