What is MicroStrategy Reporting Tool
§MicroStrategy is a tool which is used to develop enterprise wide documents/dashboards/reports. So, in simple words it is a report generation tool.
§MSTR can run on 2, 3 or 4 tier architecture. The 3 Tier architecture comprises an Intelligence server between MicroStrategy Desktop and the data Warehouse and the Metadata. The 4 tier architecture is same as 3 tier except it has an additional component of MicroStratey Web.
MSTR Web you can create, manipulate and deploy MSTR Reports, Dashboards in Web where the users can access them through any internet browsers like IExplorer, Mozilla etc.,
MSTR Web you can create, manipulate and deploy MSTR Reports, Dashboards in Web where the users can access them through any internet browsers like IExplorer, Mozilla etc.,
§MSTR Desktop you can connect to the MSTR intelligent Server and work on MS projects/Administrative tasks like user management and so on. And Architect the attributes, facts and so on from your PC or Laptop.
MicroStrategy Architecture
Intelligent Server: Microstrategy intelligent server provides jobs management and analytical processing for all microstrategy applications. This acts as a central component connecting the metadata, warehouse, desktop, web server and narrow cast server.
Web server: Microstrategy web server responds to the requests from browsers. Web server interacts with the i-server to extract the necessary information. Can be installed on most of the major web servers and supports most popular browsers. Contact microstrategy for certified products.
Narrow cast server: Delivers personalized business insight to emails, cell phones, pagers, file servers and print servers extending the reach of business intelligence applications.
Metadata: Data about data.
2 Tier Architecture
3 Tier Architecture
N Tier Architecture
MicroStrategy Architecture - Usage
USAGE: Report - Document - Dashboard - Visual Insight - Dataset - Report Types - Document Types - Scheduling - Subscription
MicroStrategy Objects
Schema Objects
Application Objects
Metrics (measures i.e. sum, avg..)
Advanced Reporting
Custom Groups
Quick Switch
Selectors (parameters on dashboard)
Widget (flash display of dataset)
Intelligent Cube
Link Document/Report
MicroStrategy Objects
Schema Objects
Attributes : Provding business context to a report.
Fact : Facts are numerical data which can be aggrigated.
Hierarchies: represent a set of attributes with paths between them.
Application Objects
Metrics (measures i.e. sum, avg.,): Calculating data on a report.
Prompts : Asking for user input i.e. parameters
Filters : Filtering data on areport.
Advanced Reporting Enables to create an ordered collection of components like top 10 customers or tom5 lowest selling items
Custom Groups : Enables to group attribute elements in new ways without changing metadata. you can use them on a report just like attributes.
Drilling : Enables you to view data at different levels (up/down) than the ones originally displayed in result set.
Quick Switch : Switch a dataset report between grid view and graph view in interactive mode or flash mode.
Template : Templates supply the layout or format for a report or document.
Selectores (parameters on dashboard)
Widger (Falsh display of dataset) : In memory copy of data.
Intelligent Cube
Link Document / Report
MicroStrategy Objects
Filters in reporting
A filter is used to select the data for calculating the metrics in the report.
Some of the main OBIEE tools are
Oracle BI Server,
BI Publisher,
Interactive Dashboards,
Oracle BI Administration,
Delivers (for scheduling), etc.
Oracle BI Server,
BI Publisher,
Interactive Dashboards,
Oracle BI Administration,
Delivers (for scheduling), etc.
Meta data repository i.e. RPD (Rapid File database, .rpd) file is the main one on OBIEE; it can be developed by using 3 layers (Physical/Business/Presentation layers) in ADMIN tool.
Oracle BI Administrator tool has 3 layers;
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